What is web hosting?
Once a site is developed, it needs to be hosted: made available online so the public can view it.
Websites live on hard drives, or “servers,” that are connected to the Internet. Hosting a website means giving it space on a server. Servers are finicky and expensive to maintain, and websites are only as reliable as the maintenance of the servers they live on.
We USED TO PROVIDE hosting on servers that we control. We heard too often that other web developers would not give the client their passwords, or access to their domain. We want no part of that.
So, for our client’s benefit, we decided our clients should own their OWN hosting service.
You hold the keys
Web Developers Studio walks you through the process of purchasing your OWN host. You own all the sign in credentials (including passwords) so that you’re not depending on anyone for your important business asset.
Service agreement
If we build a static site for you, there’s not that much technical maintenance required. But you need us (or someone like us) to make changes and additions.
If you choose WordPress, that solution has maintenance charges to consider in addition to the hosting costs paid to the service that holds the website files. WordPress and all associated plugins must be kept up-to-date and periodic checks on hacker activity are needed. There are no guarantees, of course, but we recommend monthly service. So far quarterly service has also been working.
We typically charge about one hour’s work for this service; more if the site contains complex or unusual plugins. This service is recommended, but not required. We can develop the site and leave it to you until and unless you call us for maintenance or changes beyond simple content changes.
Why should you use our services?
Web Developers Studio has been in business since 2005. We don’t “have another job.” We answer our phones. We’re not so big that you’ll get lost in the shuffle, but not so small that we’ll just disappear.